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Behind the Scenes with Natalie Anne: Balancing Business & Mum Life

From busy photoshoots, to ambassador deals, Natalie Anne spends her days, creating head spinning content and running a nationally renowned hair salon, all whilst building her own hair care empire, so it's safe to say Natalie Anne definitely emulates the word “Powerhouse”.

But this Mother's Day we wanted to turn the ring light off for a moment, get cozy and spin the spotlight away from her laundry list of professional accomplishments, to talk a little about what is undoubtedly the biggest achievement of them all, her role as busy mum!

As we sat down and probed our founders' personal life, we wanted to share with you all what  Natalie Anne said to us were her secrets to juggling her professional commitments, and her role as busy mum to her beautiful daughter Billie!

Was becoming a mum something you had always thought about?

Definitely not, initially I wasn’t planning on being a mum, but then I met Arthur, my husband, his dream was always to be a dad, so I thought the best gift I could give him was a mini-me! It was definitely something that we fought about at first, then I realised that it was probably fear that was holding me back, and I now had a man that would support me, my dreams and our family. Arthur is the most supportive husband and an incredible father, so having a family with him is the best choice I have ever made. 

What would you say is the biggest challenge in finding balance between mum life and taking over the world? 

No one speaks about this strange sense of constant worry, but I’m happy to admit, you worry for your child from the minute they are born! As a mum you naturally want nothing short of everything for your child, so the biggest challenge is definitely the fear of the unknown. However, you just trust in your ability to overcome them one at a time!

What would be the one lesson you would want Billie to take away from your work ethic?

That everything is both learned and earned. I want her to know that if she wants to achieve anything in her life she will need to put in the work. Education, repetition and having a competitive flair are key attributes to a successful person. 

What would you say is the best lesson your Mum ever imparted to you?

That she will find out everything eventually, lol! This kind of openness however, helped me realise that if I could be myself in front of her then I had no reason to fear the judgment of others! This gave me the confidence to truly lean into being myself without the fear of judgment of others.

How has that affected how you approach your business? 

It helped me share my gift with the world, any creative will tell you fear of judgment hugely disables your ability to create! I place a huge importance on authenticity and originality (no cut & paste here!) So in my mind, for me to be a truly successful entrepreneur I need to be free to create. 

What would you say is the number one piece of advice you would give someone weighing up their career ambition and wanting to be a mother? 

This advice isn't my own, this is from another woman and mother I'm always inspired by, Renya. She said to me, if you think you're ambitious now, wait until you have someone to work for. Building an empire for yourself is one thing, but when you can share it with your children it's another level of drive!

Do you feel like it has to be a choice between the two?

I often think about this question, I believe I'm extremely fortunate that I have the right support structure around me to succeed in both areas, an extremely supportive husband (and partner in crime) in Arthur. My sister steps up in the salon business to grow and guide the team when I'm not there. I have an incredible team who help wave the flag and my family who can step in and look after my children when I need it. It takes a village to raise both my babies!

What’s the biggest thing Billie teaches you when it comes to your businesses?

Patience! and the importance of education, to feed and nurture your curiosity. It’s so important to educate your team, just as you do your children, and allow them the room to explore their passions and grow as people, whilst being available to offer guidance when needed. I also think it's important to share the importance of culture, working as a team and taking the time to celebrate our wins. 

How have your businesses changed since becoming a mum?

It's less ad hoc for sure! Sometimes when building a business you try and take on every opportunity you can and end up filling every little gap. After becoming a mum I make smarter choices with my time and resources, and gravitate towards the opportunities that align with my larger goals and brand as a whole.


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